Dynamics of Human Behavior

Human behavior is anything we do which can be observed in some way”.

Behavior includes anything an individual does (physical actions), speaks (verbal behavior) and the facial expressions or bodily gestures. These behaviors can be observed because we can see or hear them.

Dynamics of human behavior are the factors that stimulate a change in human behavior”.

Dynamics of behavior are the underlying factors of change and determination of human behavior. The human behavior is a dynamic phenomenon which changes due to factors such as new experiences, learning, socio-cultural considerations, biological and psychological processes. Hence, the dynamics of human behavior are generally divided into the following three categories.

  1. Biological Dynamics
  2. Socio-cultural Dynamics
  3. Psychological Dynamics


The biological dynamics of human behavior are as follows:

  1. Genetic Make-up: A gene is a unit of heredity which we inherit from our parents. Genes determine all the characteristics of a human being such as height, complexion, hair color, structure of face and size of skull. These characteristics are stored in the genetic-code (sequence of DNA bases) within a gene. Though a major part of human behavior is learnt, some psychologists believe that a part of human behavior is also determined by the genes of a person. They are of the view that some traits including aggression, jovialness and intelligence are inherited genetically which may also be shaped further with social experiences in life.
  2. Sex Differences: Sexual differences are the biological differences. Males and females exhibit differences in their behaviors. A person, on the basis its sex, is socialized into a gender (e.g., man or woman). Men are expected to be muscular and aggressive. Women are expected to be passionate and caring. These behaviors are assigned to the gender of a person which is socially constructed, yet the inborn sexual differences become the basis for assigning a gender (e.g., man or woman) to an individual by the society.
  3. Physical Growth: Physical growth is an important determinant of human behavior. A kid behaves differently than a grown-up adult. The change in physical abilities with age brings a change in human behavior. For instance, young people may engage actively in certain activities whereas elderly people may not engage in those activities due to their weak physical status.  
  4. Nutrition: Nutritional intake has an impact on our behavior. A balanced diet, having the right amount of nutrients (e.g., protein, vitamins, and minerals), is linked with our physical and mental health and underlying hormonal or biochemical processes. Therefore, nutritional intake determines how well or bad an individual may behave in different situations. For instance, some nutritional deficiencies for a long time may affect the brain function and may also make an individual behave abnormally.
  5. Illnesses and inborn disabilities: Illnesses and inborn disabilities also influence human behavior. Physical disabilities and illnesses may not allow an individual to perform in certain physical activities. Similarly, eye and ear are sensory organs which are used to sense out the external stimulus and to respond accordingly. Therefore, defects in these sensory organs may affect the way an individual interacts with others.


The Psychological dynamics of human behavior are as follows:

  1. Cognition: Cognition refers to the mental processes such as thinking, retrieving stored information in mind, and processing the information in mind. These mental processes help us in decision-making, problem-solving, reasoning, and responding to a stimulus. These processes are also operational at the base of our visible behavior such as performing some physical acts.
  2. Perception: Perception is a psychological phenomenon. It means the way we perceive the external happenings, events or actions of others. Using our sensory organs, we see or hear a thing but how our mind perceives that thing influences our behavior towards it. For instance, the same event (happening in the surrounding) may be differently perceived by different people observing it. Thus, based on their perceptions, they may respond to it differently.
  3. Emotions: Emotions refers to the internal state of feelings. Our emotions determine the way we may behave towards something. For instance, a person in anger may behave aggressively. On the hand, emotions of happiness result in a cheerful behavior. Apart from temporary emotions, the general status of emotional stability also impacts the overall behavior of a person. An emotionally unstable person may exhibit abrupt changes in their behavior. As noted earlier, facial expression and bodily gestures also fall in the domain of human behavior which is usually a direct reflection of internal state of feelings of a person.  
  4. Attitudes: Attitude is a negative or positive evaluation of something. Psychologists view attitude as a predisposition to behave towards an object based on information about that object stored in the mind as well as the feelings of liking or disliking formed in the mind. Different people may have different attitudes towards the same object and thus may influence their behavior differently towards that object. For instance, some people view legalization of abortion as a positive thing because they think it is way to get rid of unintended birth. However, other people also view legalization of abortion as a negative thing because they think that fetus baby has a right to life.
  5. Memory: Past experiences are stored in the mind in the form of memory. Our good and bad memories regarding things influence our behavior towards these things accordingly. For instance, a traumatic experience by a person in his childhood may become a lifelong phobia for him which may influence his certain behaviors.
  6. Psychological needs and illnesses: Every person has psychological needs such as acceptance, appreciation, approval, dependence and support. These psychological needs influence human behavior accordingly. Similarly, the psychological illnesses such as depression and anxiety have an impact on human behavior.


Social dynamics of human behavior are as follows:

  1. Social norms and values
  2. Social expectations based on gender of a person
  3. Social status of a person
  4. Family structure of a person
  5. Religious belief of a person
  6. Educational status of a person
  7. Economic status of a person
  8. Impact of modernization
  9. Impact of urbanization

Cultural dynamics of human behavior are as follows:

  1. Traditions and customs
  2. Changes in language
  3. Cultural ceremonies, e.g., marriages, games etc.
  4. Material culture (such as styles of building, roads, furniture, equipment, etc.)
  5. Cultural response towards social change
  6. Ethnocentrism and xenocentrism
  7. Changes in culture across societies