MCAT Practice Test
- Test consists of sections: Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
- Each MCQ has four options (A, B, C, D). Select only one option. Each correct response gets 1 mark.
- The answers are given for your help. The answers will open in a new page to easily check answers while attempting the questions.
Q. 1. When food passes through alimentary canal, the proteins are digested in:
- Mouth, stomach and duodenum
- Stomach, pancreas and caecum
- Stomach, duodenum and ileum
- Duodenum, ileum and live
Q. 2. Which blood vessel carries absorbed food material from intestine to the liver?
- Vena cava
- Hepatic artery
- Hepatic vein
- Hepatic portal vein
Q. 3. Which two elements are needed for the production of chlorophyll:
- Phosphorus and Sulfur
- Chlorine and Copper
- Magnesium and Iron
- Calcium and Phosphorus
Q. 4. When a person faces an unexpected threat, which hormone is activated as a defensive response?
- Cortisone
- Androgens
- Adrenaline
- Nora-adrenaline
Q. 5. The information coded on the mRNA is decoded into:
- Fats
- Proteins
- Amino acids
- Carbohydrates
Q. 6. All of the following plants have a life history that includes alternation of generations, except:
- Liverwort
- Horsetail
- Spirogyra
- Moss
Q. 7. Milk produced initially by the mammary glands contains special lymph-like fluid that is called:
- Amniotic fluid
- Colostrum
- Pleural fluid
- Serum
Q. 8. If a man having blood group AB marries a woman who is heterozygous for blood group, what is the probability of their first child having blood group B?
- 100 %
- 50 %
- 25 %
- 0 %
Q. 9. The ‘Synapse’ is a:
- Part of neuron
- Part of axon
- Chemical impulse
- Gap between neurons
Q. 10. The under-secretion of para-thormone causes:
- Decrease in blood phosphorus level
- Decrease in blood calcium level
- Increase in blood phosphorus level
- Increase in blood calcium level
Q. 11. Which of following must be present in human’s diet to prevent thyroxin deficiency?
- Iron
- Calcium
- Iodine
- Phosphorus
Q. 12. The heart of, majority of reptiles, has
- Three chambers
- Four chambers
- Six chambers
- Five chambered
Q. 13. Which of the following glands is known as “master gland”?
- Thyroid
- Pituitary
- Island of Langerhans
- Adrenal
Q. 14. The sexual reproduction in Rhizopus is:
- Anisogamous
- Conjugation
- Oogamous
- Ogamous and anisogamous
Q. 15. If a person having Rh-negative blood is given Rh-positive blood by mistake, it will stimulate formation of:
- Rh-antigens
- Blood clots
- Rh-antibodies
- None of them
Q. 16. The breathing system of birds is efficient due to:
- Gills
- Trachea
- Air sacs
- Book lungs
Q. 17. Spiders can be distinguished from insects because it has
- Two antennae
- Eight legs
- Jointed legs
- Separated head, thorax and abdomen
Q. 18. Besides calcium, the mammalian’s skeleton also stores a huge amount of:
- Phosphorus
- Sulfur
- Iron
- Nitrogen
Q. 19. The pigment, in Blue-green algae, that distinguishes it from other the algae is:
- Chlorophyll-a
- Phycobillin
- Chlorophyll-b
- Xanthophylls
Q. 20. An example of discontinuous variation is reflected by :
- Height
- Intelligence
- Blood group
- Weight